TERMOSTAV Bratislava, Ltd. has developed a new concept of linings and technical designs by using modern refractory materials exclusively from the EU, resistant to the reducing environment.
Achema AB, Jonava, Lithuania
References from the field of: Chemical and petrochemical industryTERMOSTAV Bratislava, Ltd. realized general overhaul of the primary reforming furnace PR 1360 in the range of: - design of project documentation - supplies of material - installation of…
OLO a. s., Bratislava, Slovakia
References from the field of: IncineratorsTERMOSTAV Bratislava, Ltd. participated in the construction of two K1 and K2 boilers with company Jünger + Gräter GmbH, Germany in 2001. Since then, it has been providing repairs and servicing…
Považská cementáreň a. s., Ladce, Slovakia
References from the field of: Building materialsTERMOSTAV Bratislava, Ltd. provides annually repairs and servicing of refractory linings of clinker and cement production line in the range of: - design of project documentation - supplies of…
RONA, a. s., Lednické Rovne, Slovakia
References from the field of: Glass industryTERMOSTAV Bratislava, Ltd. provides repairs and service of refractory linings of glass melting tanks TA 1, TA 2, TA 3 and TA 5 for machine and manual glass production.
SLOVNAFT, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia
References from the field of: Industrial chimneys and monolithic high-rise buildingsTERMOSTAV Bratislava, Ltd. realized the construction of a monolithic double-chimney with a height of 100 meters in the range: - processing of project documentation chimney and flue pipes -…
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